The A-Grade - how art can boost academic success

With wellbeing and mindfulness beginning to take a prominent role in what is taught at schools and universities across the UK, I wanted to share the benefits that getting creative can have not only on wellbeing and mindfulness, but academic performance. And, how you can ensure that art and its benefits are accessible to all your customers.

Promote a creative mind

There’s no surprise that art is enjoyable. A beautiful painting to hang on the fridge needn’t be the only benefit of engaging in art. Art is essential in empowering personal expression, while developing other excellent characteristics such as communication and fine motor skills. Promoting and encouraging a creative mind will lead to the development of effective thinking and problem-solving, vital components in educational improvement. Also, getting creative helps to develop an awareness of surroundings, which enhances capacity for focus, concentration and inner peace, while providing an effective life-long strategy to deal with stress and anxiety.

Effectively manage wellbeing and mental health

With us all being consumed by the power of modern communication (social media for short), the health and wellbeing of the younger generation is now becoming more important than ever. Knowing how to manage their wellbeing effectively goes a long way to support their academic success and development. Stepping away from their screens and engaging in personal expression such as painting, cardmaking, playing an instrument, dance and drama or even film and singing, is important in stabilising their health and wellbeing and shoring a foundation in which growth and success can be easily achieved.

A passion for success

As we all know, it’s impossible to be good at absolutely everything… I for one am not the most gifted with a paint brush in hand. Discovering and encouraging a passion in certain topics or activities really helps to drive success in all other areas of life, especially ones that maybe aren’t of particular interest (painting in my case). The more enthusiasm that is shown, the more inclined they will be to work hard on self-improvement, increasing their chances of success. Also, enjoying their passion will give an insight into how that joy can be transferred into other ‘less enjoyable’ topics and activities.

Failure is the making of success

Sometimes, the best life lessons come from failures, or learning how not to do something. It’s healthy to experience success and failure on our own as natural consequences can be great learning opportunities. Art provides a medium in which different techniques, approaches or methods can be experimented with, helping to instil a ‘growth mindset’ and thus making it easier to bounce back from failure. All while encouraging resilience and the exploration of how they can get better at doing something. As they say, if we’re not making mistakes, we’re not stretching ourselves.

Make art accessible

The world of art materials and tools can often be a complex and daunting place, especially for children, students and beginners. With so much choice at a whole plethora of different price points, it can be easy to become overwhelmed. As the busy back to school/university period will quickly approach, it’s important to provide a product range that is not only easy to understand, but caters to all levels – helping you appeal to a wider audience.

With your consumers in mind, the Artiste range has been developed with colour-coded designs, ensuring that they are widely accessible and easy to shop for all. The artistic discipline colour-coding provides the perfect solution to bring all the products together for merchandising and to make end-user shopping experiences simpler, while creating prominent displays in stores that will drive sales.

West Design Marketing