COVID-19 - Extra Precautions


Firstly, can I start by saying a big thank you for your support, loyalty and custom particularly in these difficult times we are facing.

With the news dominated by COVID-19, I want to let you know about the procedures we are putting in place at all three sites of West Design to ensure we are doing our utmost to protect the health and wellbeing of both our employees and you our customers.  

The main actions we are taking:

  • Ramping up our already robust cleaning procedures within our business

  • Ensuring our office-based employees have ready access to items including sanitising gel, soap, paper towels, and surface cleaners

  • As part of protecting the welfare of all our employees and clients, we are instructing anyone who reports relevant symptoms or is feeling ill, to stay at home and follow official NHS guidelines

  • Cancelling non-essential face-to-face meetings

  • As the situation is changing day-by-day, we are rigorously following the government guidance as it is released


If your office building is required to close suddenly and you are expecting an order to be delivered from us, please do get in touch to let us know so we can prevent any unnecessary journeys.

Finally, I would like to thank you for your ongoing support and patience through these exceptional times, and please rest assured that we are prioritising our existing customers over any new enquiries.

If you require help with any orders or would like further clarification on the above, please do not hesitate to get in touch.  

Yours sincerely,

Jo Bray
Managing Director - Sales and Marketing

West Design Marketing